Monday, March 19, 2012

Who talked to you about sex?

At a very young age, I knew what sex was. Being around a lot of my cousins who were older it came up in jokes (remember "Jonny fuck her faster?"). When we would play Barbies the boys would come and take our boy barbies and make them perform the deed on our makeshift barbie bed. It was all over TV, and the music videos we would watch. Today it is even worse. Every cartoon and teeny bopper show has some sort of sexual innuendo thrown in. If you think your innocent little baby doesn't know what sex is...think again.

I specifically remember a conversation coming up about sex when I was a little girl between me and my mother. She told me..." isn't that great!" That was as far as my sex education went. The older my daughters get, I know they will become more and more curious about it. I have always been a very open person especially about the topic of sex, so I know that when the time comes I will tell her everything she needs to know. I think its important to also not make your child feel bad about the idea of sex or making themselves feel good for that matter. We are hard wired from the time we are born to want to experience those sensations. I believe that it is very important though to make sure they understand the importance of safety.

You would be surprised to know how little women KNOW about their bodies. We've been made to feel ashamed or dirty at the idea of "enjoying" ourselves. I say "Hey, you've only got one sex life..make it a good one." How can you REALLY enjoy sex with someone when you don't even know what it is you like? When a women explores herself she can then show her partner what makes her feel good, which in turn will make them feel good just knowing that you are being satisfied.

Sex is not the enemy, it's a beautiful thing and should be enjoyed to the fullest.


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